Blog Posts

Our First Poll and Mums!

So, yesterday on Twitter I promised our readers our first poll.  We’d like to add more interactivity and it’s a great way to get feedback on some of our projects and ideas.  Specifically, I said we’d be voting on a new catchphrase, with our current one being “building our home one project at a time.”  […]

November 4th, 2011
Which Paint to Choose?

Thanks to Mother Nature bestowing snow and rain on us this weekend, our garage painting had to be postponed! But don’t worry – we (mostly John) fought the urge to stay in and watch Halloween movies and instead went over to the paint store (plus he fixed our doorbell.) Before we headed out, we looked […]

November 2nd, 2011
Swing and a Miss

This was supposed to be a victory post.  I was going to write about how we repainted our front entry door and how awesome it came out.  Didn’t happen.  Instead, this is a mistake/lesson learned post. The background: Lisa had noticed that some people in the blogosphere had been painting the sidelight frames to match […]

October 18th, 2011
Grow your DIY Skills
Today is the day to start learning how to add value to your home.
Start Now