
Raised Panel Wainscoting Calculator

April 30th, 2016

One of my favorite home improvement projects over the past few years has been our raised panel wainscoting we added to our dining room.  While this project was fairly challenging, it was well worth the effort.  It dramatically improved the look of this space and I think it’s safe to say it probable added some value to our home.


It might surprise you to learn that the actual woodworking portion of the project wasn’t all that difficult.  The hard part was planning the layout so the panels were properly sized and the walls looked even and balanced.  This isn’t a project where you should try to wing it.

To help aid you with your own wainscoting project whether it’s raised panel or shadow boxes, I’ve come up with an MS Excel file that calculates the sizes of the panels on multiple walls for you.  All you need to do is mess with a couple numbers to play around with your layout.

That calculator file can be purchased and downloaded by clicking here.



To help you use the file, I filmed an instructional video that walks you through how to use it effectively.  You can watch that video below or you can click this link to be redirected to the YouTube channel.

I hope you find this video and calculator helpful and I would encourage you to try adding your own wainscoting to your own dining room, living room or vestibule.  This project can be a major game changer in the look and feel of your home.

If you have any questions at all, you can email me on the Contact page or leave a comment on the YouTube video.  I try to reply to every email I get and I’m always here to help.

Thanks and good luck!

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